
Which Statement Is True For All Sexually Reproducing Plants And Animals

Asked by: Matenin Benhaddou
asked in category: General Last Updated: 18th May, 2020

What statement is true for all sexually reproducing plants and animals?

Which statement is true for all sexually reproducing plants and animals? Spores, which are haploid, grow by mitosis to go haploid gametophytes. The gametophyte produces eggs by mitosis; eggs are also haploid. In both, gametes are produced by haploid gametophytes.

In animals, a single, diploid individual grows by mitosis from a zygote. Within that individual, meiosis produces haploid gametes (often sperm or egg cells). If the egg prison cell is fertilized by the sperm, a new zygote develops into a new individual, completing the life wheel.

Also, which best describes the life cycles of moss and angiosperm? Both life cycles involve meiosis. Three. Moss fertilization occurs in the air; flowering plant fertilization occurs in a pool of h2o. Moss release haploid spores into the surrounding environment; angiosperm release haploid pollen grains into the surrounding environment.

Furthermore, what is the ascendant organism in fern life cycle?


What are the main components of a mature gymnosperm seed?

After syngamy (joining of the sperm and egg cell), the zygote develops into an embryo (immature sporophyte). More than one embryo is usually initiated in each gymnosperm seed. The mature seed comprises the embryo and the remains of the female person gametophyte, which serves as a food supply, and the seed coat.

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